Shipping Information

Shipping within the United States:

Shipping is automatically computed when you enter your shipping address. We offer UPS 3 Day Select, and UPS 2nd Day Air on online purchases. Please note that Weekends and Holidays do not count as days when shipping 3 Day, 2nd Day or Next Day. Your order will likely be shipped the same day if you submit your order before 12:01 PM Eastern Standard Time. If you would like Next Day Air please call 1-866-880-2121 for pricing and availability.

Our special flat rate shipping priced at $7.99 only applies to U.S. orders and does not include shipping to Hawaii or Alaska.

We normally stock all items, but if we are back-ordered on a certain item we will attempt to contact you either through your billing address phone number or via email.

Shipping to Canada:

We use USPS Standard for shipping to Canada. We send all appropriate customs forms. Contact your local authority for any additional fees you may incur.

Shipping outside the United States & Canada:

We do offer shipping outside the United States. Information on costs and delivery times follows.

Shipping Costs: uses UPS or the Postal Airmail Service as our providers for shipping needs. The shipping costs differ based on the saddle you purchase and the city/zip that it will be shipped to. You can find the cost to ship to your address by placing the item in your shopping cart at, scroll to the bottom of the shopping car page and filling in the shipping information. Be sure to use the option "WorldWide Express" or "Global Airmail Parcel Post" on Choose Shipping Options for Horse Saddle Shop. After you press the "Apply" button the page will be updated to show shipping costs.

If you wish to continue with your order, you can then fill in your credit card information or you can cancel the process.

Please remember that we do ship to the 48 Continental United States for free. We have had customers provide alternate shipping addresses and have arranged other shipping companies/friends to send their saddles overseas.

US $ Conversion Rate: We charge all credit card transactions in United States currency. The issuing bank of your credit card determines the conversion rate.

Other Costs or Taxes: The United States does not charge any extra taxes or duties. It is your responsibility to check your local authorities for any duties or taxes that may be levied against your purchase. Your local UPS offices may charge additional brokerage fees as well.

Delivery Times: We use UPS Worldwide Expedited or Global Airmail Parcel Services and if the saddle you purchase is in stock, you should receive it in approx 6 working days from order date.